Major cities in Vladimir region

The town of Vladimir can be called an ancient capital of Russia in 1243—1389, after the fall of Kiev and before the rise of Moscow. Until the middle of XIV century Vladimir was the administrative, cultural and religious center of the North – Eastern Russia, It was located at the heart of a powerful principality, which formed the base of a Russian State. At that time the most important Rus princes (from Vladimir, Moscow, Tver or other principalities) beared the title of the Grand Prince of Vladimir and were crowned in Vladimir's Cathedral of the Dormition. From XV century it is a provincial town and the administrative center of the province. 
Vladimir was founded in 1108 (several historians have proposed 990) as a fortress on the left bank of Klyazma river by Prince Vladimir II Monomakh. The Golden Age of the town was at the end of XII – beginning of XIII centuries, the Vladimir-Suzdal whitestone architecture of that time is a brilliant examples of medieval architectural thought.
After the invasion of Mongol-Tatars of the Golden Horde in 1238 the town never fully recovered, the town also suffered from fire. However, surviving buildings, including Cathedral of the Dormition, the Golden Gate, and others are the monuments of outstanding value, now they have been included into UNESCO World Heritage Site as the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, Vladimir building traditions influenced on the Moscow architecture of XIV-XV centuries, including the Cathedral of the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin built by the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti.

The town of Vladimir can be called an ancient capital of Russia in 1243—1389, after the fall of Kiev and before the rise of Moscow. Until the middle of XIV century Vladimir was the administrative,

The first settlement in the place of modern Suzdal appeared in IX or X century, but the town is first mentioned in ancient record in 1024 in connection with the rebellion of smerds that was suppressed by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. During the reign of Vladimir II Monomakh, the town becomes a strengthened fortress. The son of Monomakh, Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy (Long-Arm), makes Suzdal a capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. During the reign of Andrey Bogolyubsky, a capital moved to a town of Vladimir, but the development of Suzdal continued, even after Mongol-Tatar invasions.
In the end of XIV century, the town obeyed to Moscow, and since that time Suzdal never again participated in important political events. From that time, its role was to be a rich trade and craft town and a center of regional Orthodox Church.
The city development plan in 1778 was not fulfilled, so the town preserved its original planning. In the area of 9 square kilometers, there are about 300 historical and architectural monuments, many of which are included into UNESCO World Heritage Site as the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal. 
The town is a famous center of art crafts: iconography, silver stamping, wood carving and gold embroidery. It is also famous for production of medovukha (Slavic honey-based alcoholic beverage)

The first settlement in the place of modern Suzdal appeared in IX or X century, but the town is first mentioned in ancient record in 1024 in connection with the rebellion of smerds that was…

Top attractions in Vladimir region to visit

The story of Patriarchal garden starts from the XVI century. There was no residence of the Patriarch in  Vladimir, but a cherry orchard was specially planted for Metropolitan clergy that came to rest here. According to legend, it exists since the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The time of its prosperity was at the beginning of the ХIX century. In the archives are mentioned its other names: Bishops, Synod. 
Patriarchal garden with a rich collection of plants is located in the lower part of a natural amphitheatre. It is surrounded by other well-known sights, the Dormition Cathedral, Golden gates, the Savior, St. George and the Ascension temples. The garden slopes down to the Klyazma with steps, it is multi-level, in the traditions of French landscape architecture. Patriarchal garden is a three hectares, planted with dozens of varieties of fruit trees and shrubs, berries, wild plants and medicinal herbs. There is a greenhouse in the garden with heat-loving and rare plants, tropical flowers bloom here in the winter. One of the main attractions is a multi-jet fountain. The garden is ideal for romantic walks

The story of Patriarchal garden starts from the XVI century. There was no residence of the Patriarch in  Vladimir, but a cherry orchard was specially planted for Metropolitan clergy that came to…

The architectural complex of the Monastery of Saint Euthymius is a UNESCO world heritage site, its ensemble is part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-reserve. The Monastery was founded in 1352 in the city of Suzdal, Vladimir region, as a fortress for protection from enemy attacks. The original wooden buildings did not survive, the current design of the monastery ensemble was formed in the XVI-XVII centuries. The monastery was built on money of the nobility. The major investments were made by Vasili III of Russia, tsar Ivan the Terrible, Pozharsky princes. The main cathedral in the monastery is the five - domed Transfiguration Cathedral, the oldest building in the ensemble. On the facades of the Cathedral restorers have found the XVI century frescoes and paintings of Gury Nikitin and Sila Savin, known masters of the XVII century. In 1766 a prison was organized in the monastery. In Soviet times the building of the prison was used as a prison of special purpose and an infamous prison for political prisoners. Now there are exhibitions, facility and ancillary services in the Monastery buildings. The restored bells are ringing several times a day all over the country on the monastery's belfry.

The architectural complex of the Monastery of Saint Euthymius is a UNESCO world heritage site, its ensemble is part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-reserve. The Monastery was founded in 1352 in the…

The history of Museum of wooden architecture and peasant life in Suzdal started in 1960's. The Museum was placed on the banks of Kamenka river in the outskirts of Suzdal, on the site of unpreserved Demetrius monastery (XI century). From different villages of Suzdal region were brought here preserved wooden buildings: churches, residential houses and outbuildings. It turned out to be a kind of village, where was concentrated all that was preserved from the XVIII-XIX centuries, that was not destroyed by fire, not demolished or broken during hard times. Among the exhibits stand out the Transfiguration and the Resurrection Churches. They are typical for that time samples of wooden temple architecture, common to villages throughout the region. The museum history started from transferring the Church of St. Nicholas, that stands outside museum territory. The Museum territory includes the house of Agapov merchants housing the exposition

The history of Museum of wooden architecture and peasant life in Suzdal started in 1960's. The Museum was placed on the banks of Kamenka river in the outskirts of Suzdal, on the site of unpreserved…

A couple of kilometres to the south of the city Sudogda of Vladimir region is located the village of Muromtsevo. It is known since 1880, when Vladimir Khrapovitsky, nobleman, colonel of the hussar Life Guards Regiment began to build his famous estate. According to legend, he was delighted with medieval castles during his travels to France. When French noted, that there is nothing like this in Russia, Khrapovitsky made some kind of a reply: he made a bet that he will build a castle. A few years later the owner invited French friends to his estate, and showed to surprised guests not just the castle but the gothic palace with a Park and a cascade of ponds at the main building. Project team was lead by one of the best Moscow architects Peter Boytzov. The manor style solution defies definition. Here are skillfully used the architectural elements of early French Gothic, serrated gables made under a slight Eastern influence, pointed arches are combined with the Renaissance planes symmetry. The estate occupied a vast territory and consisted of many buildings that were designed in the same style: main house, guest house, caretaker's house, a summer theatre, a pool, a hunting lodge. A magnificent Park with rare species of trees was laid out around. There were also stable and poultry yard in the estate. Gardens and greenhouses were a special pride of Khrapovitsky. After the revolution of 1917 Khrapovitsky voluntarily handed the estate over to the Soviet government, and emigrated to France. Khrapovitsky Estate changed then many owners since that time, the last one was forest college.

A couple of kilometres to the south of the city Sudogda of Vladimir region is located the village of Muromtsevo. It is known since 1880, when Vladimir Khrapovitsky, nobleman, colonel of the hussar…

In the midst of a water-meadow at the confluence of the river Nerl into the Klyazma river, stands the white-stone Church of the Intercession, one of the most lyrical creations of ancient Russian architects. It is surrounded by an open space meadow full of peace and poetry. When the the Nerl river expands in spring, the Church remain standing on a small island, reflected in the swift-flowing waters, rising to its walls. The foundation of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is associated with a victorious campaign of Vladimir regiments against Volga Bulgaria in 1164. In this campaign perished the young Prince Izyaslav. In memory of these events Andrei Bogolyubsky laid the foundation of temple, consecrated in honor of the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin. Its construction is very simple. However the builders of the Church managed to realize a new artistic image. Using well-chosen proportions, shapes, and details, the architects has managed to overcome the weight of the stone, to create the impression of weightlessness. The walls of the Church are decorated with carved reliefs. All three facades repeat the same composition, the King David the Psalmist, sitting on the throne. On both sides of the King there are symmetricaly located two doves, with lion figures under them. Below, there are three female masks with hair in braids. The same masks, symbolizing Mary, mother of Jesus, are placed on the lateral parts of the facade so the temple looks like girded by them. The Church of the Intercession is often called the most beautiful Russian Church. It iws included in the list of UNESCO world heritage.

In the midst of a water-meadow at the confluence of the river Nerl into the Klyazma river, stands the white-stone Church of the Intercession, one of the most lyrical creations of ancient Russian…

The exact construction date of the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius is unknown. Vladimir chronicler, speaking of the death of Grand Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, mentioned that the Prince created the nice church in his court in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius and wonderfully decorated it with icons and paintings. Historians believe that the Cathedral was built between 1194 and 1197. It was erected by Russian masters. The main material for the construction was a white limestone. The nobility of shapes and perfect proportions make Demetrius temple unique. The spirit of solemnity pervades its every detail. Everything that was created in Russia in a wonderful techniques of  filigree, engraving, enamel, and especially in wood carving, is reflected in decorative motifs of this masterpiece of Vladimir architects. The walls of the cathedral are covered by sculptured ornaments, making the temple to seem openwork. For the first time in Russian architecture is met such an abundant sculptural decoration. The center of the composition of each facade is King Solomon. Around him are grouped images of plants, animals, birds, griffins. The temple is crowned with a gentle gilded dome, resembling a giant helmet. On its top is set a broad cross made of slotted gilded copper. Inside the temple seems to be small, it is really small, because the cathedral was built only for the Prince family. The cathedral preserves a part of the XII century paintings, including fragments of the composition

The exact construction date of the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius is unknown. Vladimir chronicler, speaking of the death of Grand Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, mentioned that the Prince created the…

In the second half of the XII century five external gates were built in Vladimir, that were used as siege towers with transportation purpose. Only main of them, the Golden gate, used for ceremonial entrance to the city, remained to our days. The construction of the gate had an informal occasion: with the help of the gate, Andrei Bogolyubsky was going to show once again that the capital of North-Eastern Russia is not inferior to Kiev neither in wealth nor in influence. The gate was built by local craftsmen. The arch of the Golden gate was closed inside with the heavy oak doors, upholstered in gold-plated copper, hence the name of the gate. Above the arched doorway is located the church dedicated to the Deposition of the Virgin's Robe, a miniature variation of the white-stone temple. For more than 8 centuries of its existence, the Golden gates have seen a lot, including visit of important Russian leaders, Alexander Nevsky and much later, Catherine II. Invasions and fires have significantly distorted the appearance of the Golden gate. At the end of the eighteenth centurythe Gate was reconstructed. Vertical structures, enclosed in rounded pylons, were attached to the corners of the construction. The arch masonry was renewed and a new brick Church was built on the top of the gates, which consecration took place in 1810. Now Golden gate is a home for a Museum of military glory, and below the arch of the church on the gate, there is a large diorama illustrating the capture of the city by the Mongols. In 1992, the Golden gate was included in the World Heritage list of UNESCO.

In the second half of the XII century five external gates were built in Vladimir, that were used as siege towers with transportation purpose. Only main of them, the Golden gate, used for ceremonial…