Major cities in Ivanovo region

Ivanovo is a regional center in the Central part of Russia, it was first mentioned as a village in 1561 and became a town in 1871, it is a part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Ivanovo differs from other towns of the Golden Ring, it does not have such a great history and ancient monuments, like the nearby Yaroslavl, Kostroma and others. However, it has its own features: textile production, brides and beautiful views of provincial Russian town and nature of Ivanovo region. The architecture uniqueness - it is nothing like a harmonious blend of the most striking features of each of the eras that have passed through its fate.
Ivanovo has been called the textile capital of Russia and was called the

Ivanovo is a regional center in the Central part of Russia, it was first mentioned as a village in 1561 and became a town in 1871, it is a part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Ivanovo differs from…

Top attractions in Ivanovo region to visit

A small tent-roofed church was built in 1879, at the expense of local merchants on the outskirts of the village of Ivanovo. It was built in the name of the icon of the Theotokos

A small tent-roofed church was built in 1879, at the expense of local merchants on the outskirts of the village of Ivanovo. It was built in the name of the icon of the Theotokos "Joy of All Who…

Nikolo-Shartomski (St. Nicholas of Shartoma) monastery is located fifteen kilometers from the town of Shuya, in the village of  Vvedenye, Ivanovo region. It is located in a picturesque place at the confluence of the rivers Molokhta and Theza. Legend says that the monastery was founded on the occasion of the supernatural appearance in this place of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This appearance happened in the reign of Vasily II “the Dark” of Moscow. Nowadays the monastery is a monument of great importance. Its territory is formed in almost a perfect rectangle, stretched along the river. The main entrance is the Holy gate under the Transfiguration Church. Next to it is located St. Nicholas Cathedral - the main building of the ensemble, built in 1651. To the right and left from the gate wall is located Kazan church with the refectory along with the Church of St. Gregory of Acragantum. To the left of the Cathedral there is a tiered bell tower. Wall of the monastery is decorated with octagonal turrets. The main shrines of the monastery are the supernaturally appeared image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the icon of the Kazan Mother of God kept in this monastery. Nikolo-Shartomski monastery - good farm with a large number of households, more than a hundred brethren are living on its territory. It has its own barn, aviary, brethren are breeding horses, fish, farming and beekeeping.

Nikolo-Shartomski (St. Nicholas of Shartoma) monastery is located fifteen kilometers from the town of Shuya, in the village of  Vvedenye, Ivanovo region. It is located in a picturesque place at the…

Ivanovo is considered to be the textile capital of Russia from old times, before the Soviets built several large textile manufacturing plants. Chintz manufacturing industry was rapidly developing here since the beginning of the XIX century and was innovative at that times, early making a move from textile manufacture to machine production. In the Museum of Ivanovo Chintz you can find out how this happened and look at tissue samples of different decades and at clothes that are made out of them. 
The museum is housing various exhibitions devoted to the production of chintz, dense, but light cotton fabric. This fabric was widespread before the Soviet Revolution, and Ivanovo was the center of its production. The museum tells about the development of the textile industry in the Ivanovo region from ancient times to the present day. There is a unique collection of tissue collected from the end of the XIX century. Particular attention is given to show textile products as work of decorative art.

Ivanovo is considered to be the textile capital of Russia from old times, before the Soviets built several large textile manufacturing plants. Chintz manufacturing industry was rapidly developing…

The house was built in the 1930-ies on Lenin avenue in the town of Ivanovo. Five-storey building is built in the shape of a ship, its bow is simulated by the beveled end, and an eight-story tower on the opposite side looks lika a stern. Two rows of balconies reminiscent of the deck, and a small balcony with concrete railing is similar to the bridges. Ground floor is glazed, so the house is like

The house was built in the 1930-ies on Lenin avenue in the town of Ivanovo. Five-storey building is built in the shape of a ship, its bow is simulated by the beveled end, and an eight-story tower on…

The oldest building in the city of Ivanovo and a unique monument of industrial architecture, which has no analogues in the neighboring areas. The tent is a brick house, separated into large and small room. In the building formerly lived the clerk of Cherkassy princes. Large room housed the books with peasants servage information, the small room belonged to the clerk. The building was decorated in a rather restrained manner inherent to civil buildings of the XVII century. Outside it is decorated with raised curb and keeled ornaments. At the turn of XVIII-XIX centuries, the house becomes the property of the industrialist Osip Shudrov. He built on two floors and located here a textile shop, where the pattern was put on the fabric. In 1964 it was decided to restore historical monument and to return it the presumed original form. Restoration was completed in 1988. Currently Shudrov tent is the Ivanovo branch of the local history Museum.

The oldest building in the city of Ivanovo and a unique monument of industrial architecture, which has no analogues in the neighboring areas. The tent is a brick house, separated into large and small…