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A unique monument, settlement Idnakar of Chepetsk is located in a few kilometers from the Glazov city on a high promontory (mount Soldyr), formed by the confluence of the Cheptsa and Pyzep rivers. According to legend, the town was founded by and named after Udmurt hero, Prince Eedna. In the IX-XIII centuries Idnakar was the administrative, industrial, commercial and cultural center of northern udmurts. Merchants from almost all over the world brought their goods there. In our time, the remains of ancient structures, dwellings were discovered in the process of excavations, the structure of the monument is deeply examined, and a large amount of evidence of the material culture of the inhabitants of Idnakar, the ancestors of modern Udmurts, was extracted from the cultural layer of the settlement. In 1997, a Museum-reserve "Idnakar" was established there. Its area is 4 hectares. In 1999, a permanent exhibition devoted to the settlement was opened.

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