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The state Museum of Russian poet Lermontov "Tarkhany" is located 100 kilometers west from the Penza city in the village of Lermontov (up to 1917 the village was named Tarkhany) in the estate of the grandmother of the poet The Museum works since 1939. In 1969, it was transformed into the State Museum "Tarkhany", in 1997 it was included in the State Code of the most valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. The most valuable exhibits of the Museum are objects that belonged to the poet, as well as the family Stolypin icon, different manor utensils. Here are kept all the editions of the works of Lermontov, as well as original illustrations for his works by many prominent artists, including Vrubel, Korovin and Repin. Of great interest is the manor park with alleys, terraced slopes, scenic ponds cascades, orchards and groves. Since 1971, the Lermontov holidays are held in the Museum.

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