Major cities in Krasnodar region

Founded in: 1838
Population: 397,000
Distance to Moscow: 1679 km
The Black Sea resort of Sochi has risen to global prominence after having been awarded the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Situated along 140 km of the coast (the longest city in Europe) and against the backdrop of the Caucasus Mountains, this resort, now commonly referred to as the “Russian Riviera”, has long been one of Russia’s most popular tourist destinations and a truly great sports city.

The city offers countless opportunities for sports: mountain climbing, hang-gliding, diving, sailing, aqua bikes, skiing and much more. The famous mountain resort, Krasnaya Polyana, is located 40 km from the seacoast. In Sochi one can go skiing in the morning and sailing or swimming in the afternoon on the same day.

The undisturbed forests surrounding the city are a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In preparation for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Sochi’s tourism infrastructure is undergoing significant and extensive expansion and renovation. The resulting new accommodation and transport infrastructure will provide a modern and tested state-of-the-art tourism environment for visitors attending 2018 FIFA World Cup™ matches in the city.

Founded in: 1838
Population: 397,000
Distance to Moscow: 1679 km
The Black Sea resort of Sochi has risen to global prominence after having been awarded the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Situated…

Top attractions in Krasnodar region to visit

The age of dolmens is 4-5 thousand years. The purpose of building of these stone structures in the Caucasus is still disputed by scientists. Most of them  believe that the dolmens are a religious burial constructions. Others say that some of the dolmens could be used as sanctuaries to perform some ceremonies. One way or another, these sanctuaries, built of rough stone slabs, were constructed according to certain rules. They are usually located on the flat site on the vertice or on the sunny slope of the ridge. The vast majority of dolmens are faced down the sunny slope. Part of the dolmens is decorated inside with carved ornaments. The most famous dolmens on the territory of Adygea are located around the Kizinka khutor (farm). Here were found about 600 dolmens, most of which were destroyed. The most famous preserved dolmen in Adygea is Guzeripl dolmen, one the dolmens of so called Khodzhokh group, its age is not less than 5 thousand years at a conservative estimate. The most famous dolmens on the territory of Krasnodar region are located in seven districts. Unfortunately, most of them have been pillaged by local residents as construction material. But some are well preserved, for example, a group of dolmens near Gelendzhik, in the valley of Zhane river.

The age of dolmens is 4-5 thousand years. The purpose of building of these stone structures in the Caucasus is still disputed by scientists. Most of them believe that the dolmens are a religious…