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Great Watershed

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Great Watershed is a place were fresh waters of planetary scale divide. There is no other place in the world including Africa, Eurasia, North and South America, like Great Watershed, where water flows divide into three great rivers, three seas Laptev, Kara and Okhotsk; two oceans - the Arctic and the Pacific; and into the deepest, the largest fresh water lake of the world - lake Baikal. The basin of the Great Watershed is 6 926 thousand square kilometers (slightly more than 40 percent of the whole territory of Russia). The dicovery of the Watershed was made at the end of XX century This is the place where basins of three large rivers are joined: the Lena, Yenisey and Amur, and their water is adjudged to be in different oceans. Once on the top of the mountain Pallas (this is how Great Watershed is called by geographers), the traveler can see the beginning of three rivers - the Lena, Yenisey and Amur.