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Novosibirsk Zoo

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Novosibirsk Zoo has about 10,000 birds and 700 species of animals. 60 hectares of land in the pine forest is at disposal of the zoo. These are leading indicators for zoos in Russia. More than 300 species are listed in the International Red Book, the Red Book of Russia and Novosibirsk region. Here is assembled one of the world's finest collections of felids and concealing. The Zoo could get offsprings of rare species here for the first time in the world zoological practice, including river otter, polecat, asian dik, kamchatka snow sheep, Putorana snow sheep. The zoo is a home to a very rare interspecific hybrid, the liger that is is an unusual cub from the African lion and a Bengal tigress, born in the summer of 2004, this is the first instance of this hybrid in Russia. In 2008, Novosibirsk Zoo became the finalist of the contest "Seven wonders of Russia".

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