Major cities in Krasnoyarsk Territory

Top attractions in Krasnoyarsk Territory to visit

Krasnoyarsk Stolby Nature Sanctuary has about a hundred of rock outliers with a height of no more than 600 meters that  have bizarre shape. The origin of these rocks is volcanic. 450 million years ago, molten magma was unable to break through the solid rock of the Earth, it managed only to slide out of cracks the top layers of limestone and sandstone. Over millions of years the loose stones were destroyed by rains and winds, leaving only the rods of solid rock - contemporary pillars (Stolby). Each pillar has its name. The names were not assigned randomly, it depended from what or who a particular stone look like. One of the most famous is the Grandfather pillar, it recalls the terrible old man with a huge thick beard. Close to him are his relatives: great-Grandfather, Granddaughter, Grandmother, the Twins. There are also animals with birds, and so on. For example, Chinese wall, Feathers, Lion's gate, the Tusk. Reserve Krasnoyarsk Stolby Nature Sanctuary has long been popular with rock climbers and mountaineers, both professionals and amateur. There even exists a unique tenor among the locals called Stolbysm, it is the conquest of rocks without equipment and insurance. But, alas, such an ascent - is very dangerous, and deadly. On many rocks memorial plaques can be found with the names of the victims of such a risk action.

Krasnoyarsk Stolby Nature Sanctuary has about a hundred of rock outliers with a height of no more than 600 meters that have bizarre shape. The origin of these rocks is volcanic. 450 million years…