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Belukha Mountain

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Belukha Mountain,is the highest peak in Siberia. It is famous fot its beautiful panoramas of untouched nature, including glaciers, waterfalls, alpine meadows and it is also a place where mountaineers of different skill levels make ascending. Its height is 4506 meters. On the territory of Russia beyond the Urals only the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano in Kamchatka is higher than Belukha. There are 169 glaciers having a total area of 150 square kilometers on its slopes and in its valleys. The first records about Belukha Mountain appeared more than 200 years ago when a Russian scientist and traveler Sangin during his expedition to Altai recorded the hunters and prospectors stories about the mountain. Scientists and researchers managed to reach Belukha for the first time in 1835-1836, at that time was discovered a Katun glacier which was a source of the Katun river. The first explorers of Belukha were Tronov brothers, they climbed the mountain in 1914 as a part of study of the process of glaciation. The Altai people consider the Belukha Mountain a sacred mountain. Some mountaineers told that they saw Yeti in the mountains nearby, one of them even showed a mummified leg of unknown origin in 2003 TV show. The mountain is the object of the national nature Park "Belukha".

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