Major cities in Novgorod region

Top attractions in Novgorod region to visit

The Monument

The Monument "Millennium Of Russia" is dedicated to the Millennium anniversary of the Russian statehood when warring Slavic and Finnish tribes (Novgorod Slavs, Krivichs, Ves (proto-Vepsians) and…

The Cathedral of St. Sophia, a main Orthodox Church in Veliky Novgorod, is one of the most outstanding monuments of ancient Russian architecture. It was built by Novgorod Prince Vladimir in 1045-1050. The Cathedral is five-naval cross-domed.. This type of temples was built in Russia only in the eleventh century. In ancient times the temple was covered with lead sheets. It has three apses, the central apse is pentagonal, the lateral are rounded. The central building is surrounded on three sides by wide two-story galleries. The Cathedral was built instead of a burnt 13-domed wooden Church of 989 year. It has five domes, the sixth dome crowns a staircase tower, located in the western gallery to the south from entrance. The domes are shaped in the form of ancient Russian helmets. There are three iconostases in the Cathedral, the most famous among them are the Main and Christmas. The Main iconostasis has the icons of XV-XVI centuries, the celebration row of icons of XIV century is kept in the museum. The  Christmas iconostasis consists of icons of XVI century while some of them are of the nineteenth century, the icon of Christ on the throne is of the XIV century. The temple keeps relics of six saints: Princess Irene, her son Vladimir, princes Mstislav and Theodore, Archbishop Nikita and John. There is a lead figure of a dove on the cross of the central dome which is a symbol of the Holy spirit. According to legend, when in 1570 the inhabitants of Novgorod were dealt ruthlessly by Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible, a dove sat down to rest on the cross of the Cathedral of St. Sophia. Having seen the terrible massacre, the dove became petrified by horror. Since that a revelation of the Virgin came to one of the monks, that a dove was sent to give solace to the city and while it is sitting on the cross, the city is protected.

The Cathedral of St. Sophia, a main Orthodox Church in Veliky Novgorod, is one of the most outstanding monuments of ancient Russian architecture. It was built by Novgorod Prince Vladimir in…

Valdaysky National Park is a popular tourist destination with developed tourism infrastructure. It is enlisted in the UNESCO MAB Programme biosphere reserves list of. In the Valdaysky National Park the recreation area is developing as well as measures are taken to protect lakes and forests. The Park has about 200 lakes, of which 56 largest occupy an area of over 20 hectares, the most famous of them are Valday and Seliger. Since ancient times this area (the territory of modern Novgorod region) was settled by Slavic tribes, so it has a great number of monuments of history and culture. In the list of archaeological sites are 82 objects: ancient sites (VII-VI centuries BC), ancient settlements, hills, mounds. Here is 9 monuments of landscape art: old manors with parks; 22 the most valuable monuments of wooden architecture of the XVII-XIX centuries. Among them is the Valday Iversky Monastery, founded in 1653 on Selvitsky island in Lake Valdayskoye by Nikon, Patriarch of all Rus; Catherine Church of XVII century in the town of Valday is a great creation of the Russian architect Lvov, now there is located the Valday Bell Museum.

Valdaysky National Park is a popular tourist destination with developed tourism infrastructure. It is enlisted in the UNESCO MAB Programme biosphere reserves list of. In the Valdaysky National Park…

Vitoslavlitsy is an open-air Novgorod museum of folk wooden architecture, located near St. George monastery a few miles from Veliky Novgorod. The name comes from the village Vitoslavlitsy, which existed here in the XII-XVIII centuries. In the museum area of 33 hectares are situated 22 monuments: churches, chapels, houses, a mill, a smithy, barns. The exhibits are restored buildings of the XVI-XX centuries. Different types of preserved wooden churches are located on the territory of the reserve, among them are the tent-roofed church of the Assumption of 1595, a groin vault Nativity church of 1531 and a longline church of St. Nicholas of 1767

Vitoslavlitsy is an open-air Novgorod museum of folk wooden architecture, located near St. George monastery a few miles from Veliky Novgorod. The name comes from the village Vitoslavlitsy, which…