Major cities in Primorsky Krai

Top attractions in Primorsky Krai to visit

The building of The Vladivostok Fortress, which is one of the most powerful maritime fortresses in the world, started in 1870-ies. At that time relations of Russia with England started to deteriorate, so embankments to protect Vladivostok were began building. The official history of the castle leads to 1889, when the Russian maritime kaiser-flag was raised on a Cape Goldobin. In the second half of the 90-ies of the XIX century the coastal artillery batteries of the fortress were rebuilt into concrete and the first long-term defence structures on the land.there were developed.  The builders of Vladivostok Fortress took into account the deficiencies that caused the fall of the Port Arthur in 1905. The most powerful structures of Vladivostok fortress were constructed during the Russo-Japanese war. On Russky Island were built 6 forts and 27 coastal batteries, powder magazines and ammunition warehouses, dock for ships, mine-adjustment (torpedo) station, 4 telephone station. In 1916 Vladivostok Fortress became the largest naval fortress in Russia. On its territory of more than 400 square kilometers were built about 130 different forts, fortresses, strongholds and coastal batteries, equipped with 1400 guns. Fort No. 2 was the most powerful infantry fort in the world. All fortifications had visual and telephone communication and were equipped by ventilation and electricity. The construction of the fortress was finally completed in 1922, when Japanese troops under the contract with the Soviet government agreed to leave the Primorye territory, provided that the fortress will close. Today the castle functions as a Museum.

The building of The Vladivostok Fortress, which is one of the most powerful maritime fortresses in the world, started in 1870-ies. At that time relations of Russia with England started to…