Top attractions in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to visit

Whale Bone Alley is considered one of the main attractions of Chukotka. It represents two rows of huge bones of bowhead whales, dug into the ground over a mile on the shore of the island Yttygran in the Senyavin Strait. The nearest row to the shore is formed by whales skulls having size of 2 by 1.5 meters. Skulls are grouped by 2-4, the total number of groups is fifteen. The second row, parallel to the first, consists of massive jaw bones. Their height is almost 5 meters and a diameter is about half a meter. It is assumed that the remains of more than fifty adult animals were used when creating a Whale Bone Alley. Between the rows of skulls and jaw bones there are about 150 meat storage pits and rings, lined with stones. A man-made stone road with length of about 50 meters leads from storage pits to smooth, round area. The area is surrounded by a ring of boulders, in the centre of it is a large flat boulder, and near to it is located a stone hearth with traces of ash. According to the researchers, the Whale Bone Alley was the central sanctuary of the large intercommunal aliance that existed on the banks of the Senyavin Strait and adjacent areas. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages gathered in Yttygran to perform celebrations and rituals. Whale alley was discovered by an archeological expedition in 1977.

Whale Bone Alley is considered one of the main attractions of Chukotka. It represents two rows of huge bones of bowhead whales, dug into the ground over a mile on the shore of the island Yttygran in…