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Chersonesus is an ancient city that was a part of the ancient Greek colony of the same name on the southwest coast of Crimea. It was founded by the Greek settlers from Heraclea Pontica in VI-V centuries BC. Chersonesus existed for about 2,000 years and now it is the object of cultural heritage. Chersonesus city was a democratic polis, all Greek festivals were held in it as well as sporting events, it also maintained active foreign policy. The patron saint of the settlement was Artemis Chersonesus state from the very beginning was surrounded by belligerent and hostile tribes, in particular the Tauri and Scythians, and was constantly fighting. During the long period of wars with Scythians in III-I centuries BC some cities of the state have been lost, Kerkinitis and Kalos Lyman. Enemies more than once beseiged the town of Chersonesus. In order to defeat the Scythians, Chersonesus had to seek help of Mithridates VI Eupator, king of Pontus. He provided help, but since then the Chersonesus became dependent upon Bosporan Kingdom. After that, in V century, it had been waging wars with barbarians, in particular with the Huns, which differed in especial ferocity. The 4th crusade also left its mark on Chersonesus. At that time the Seljuk Turks seized the transit trade, and became masters of the Black Sea. In 1223 the Mongols hordes of Batu Khan made their first foray on the Crimea. In 1299 the southern coast was seized and ruined by horde of Nogai Khan. In 1363, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas devastated Chersonesus, and in 1397 his successor Vytautas destroyed it again. After the raid of Edigei in 1399, Chersonesus was unable to get up. It was still a small fishing village, but in the XV century, the remaining inhabitants abandoned it. Almost 400 years after, in 1827 the first excavations of Chersonesus have started at its site. At that time the three temples were recovered. Among the most famous monuments of Chersonesus Taurica are a Central square, the ancient Theater, the Zenon Tower, the Basilica and Chersonesus bell that was made in Taganrog by casting metall from Turkish guns in 1778. The Basilica is called "Basilica in the basilica", that originates from the fact that the new temple was built in the ruins of the old one.

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