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Smolensk Dormition Cathedral

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The first Cathedral building was founded in 1101 by Vladimir Monomakh. In 1611, the temple was blown up by poles, who erected the catholic church in its place. After the return of city of Smolensk into Russia, the catholic church was dismantled, and in 1676 started the restoration of the Cathedral, which lasted for almost a hundred years. In 1771, a huge five-domed Cathedral with its gilded iconostasis was finally completed. According to legend, it looked so majestically that even Napoleon took off his hat in front of the temple when he entered Smolensk. The Cathedral occupies an area more than 2000 square meters and has three portals – entrance and three naves. An extension adjacent to the east wall is designed to keep clock made in 1795. All the buildings of the Cathedral complex are colored green.

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