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The Museum of Turgenev

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The Museum of Turgenev "Spasskoye-Lutovinovo" is a memorial Museum of the great Russian writer. The main gem of the Museum is the house of Turgenev. The house of the writer was restored after it burned in 1906. Its design was restored exactly the same as it was when Turgenev visited it last time during his return to homeland in the summer of 1881. Nowadays, the Museum is remarkable for its reach collection of Turgenev’s furniture, paintings and other belongings having great artistic and historical value. The Museum of Turgenev today is a complex of country seat buildings, including the Church of the Transfiguration, built in 1809 on the money of Turgenev’s grandfather, family chapel, church lodge, an alms-house and outbuildings. Old Saviour's Park with shady lime lanes and cascade of ponds is one of the best examples of Russian landscape art of the late XVIII - early XIX century and is considered the one of the most beautiful manor parks of Russia.

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