Major cities in Belgorod region

Top attractions in Belgorod region to visit

The Battle of Kursk diorama is officially called a Belgorod State museum; it has more than 5 thousand military history exhibits, as well as collections of fine art. This is the largest diorama in Russia; it is devoted to the Battle of Prokhorovka, a tank battle that took place on July 12, 1943: a victory in this battle was a crucial milestone in the Battle of Kursk. One-piece canvas has an area of a thousand square meters (the height is 15 m, length 67 m) The audience can view the fight of the 5th guards tank army from the perspective of the famous 252,2 m strategically important heights. There are real people depicted among the canvas characters: a colorful bearded tank crewman in the center of the composition is the captain Gregory Penashco, a Soviet Union Hero, who pledged not to shave until the victory. Penashco was repeatedly wounded and bruised, but has survived until the overall triumph. He cut his beard only after the Moscow Victory Parade of 1945 on Red Square and soldiers used it to make souvenirs. Penashco, who died in 1992, was able to see his character in the diorama and his portrait. During the visit, he complained that he had not left a piece of beard to the Museum. The Museum exposition continues on the open ground with the military equipment of World War II exhibition. Every year on May 9th, thousands of people gather at the diorama. Many guests visit Belgorod region, and the visit the Museum-diorama and trying soldier\'s porridge is invariably in their program of stay

The Battle of Kursk diorama is officially called a Belgorod State museum; it has more than 5 thousand military history exhibits, as well as collections of fine art. This is the largest diorama in…