The influence of Western European architecture is visible all over the city of Petersburg. This happened because Peter “opened the window on Europe” as a result of his long visit to England and mainland Europe to assess the best architectural styles of the cities he visited. Therefore, Petersburg is a European city under the Northern Russian sky. in a non-European country in its essence. This city was to become not only similar to other European cities, but also beautiful enough to compete with them.

Many historical epochs and architectural styles merge into the appearance of Petersburg. But the dominant style is classical. as the city was built when this trend entered the architectural arena. It comes as no surprise that grand cathedrals in the best antique traditions appeared in a Russian city. This is one reason why Petersburg is one of the most unusual and striking of Russian cities.

In 1800 classicism was flourishing and Paul the First had ordered the architect Andrei Voronikhin to build a temple based upon St. Peters Cathedral in Rome. The result of his work can be seen at the cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on Nevsky Prospekt. The Kazansky Cathedral has its own secret. At first glance it may seem to face Nevsky Prospekt, but this is not so. It is the Northern wall that faces Nevsky Prospekt. and according to tradition, the main entrance to a cathedral should be opposite the altar, which is always at the Eastern end.

So the cathedral is turned sideways to Nevsky. However, this side wall was decorated by Voronikhin as if it were a frontage, and it should not be obvious that the cathedral is turned sideways with the main street of the city running along the side wall.

There were plans to build the same semicircular row of columns along the opposite side of the cathedral as they had at the front. This plan was never realized because of the War of 1812.


Another Petersburg cathedral, the Isaakievsky (St. Isaacs Cathedral), is also often compared with its great Roman counterpart. The design by Auguste Montferrand took 40 years to build, from 1819 to 1859. It is decorated with 382 works of sculpture, art and mosaics; 43 different minerals were used for its construction; and one can see the golden dome of Isaaky dozens of kilometers away from the city.